Membership & Donations
The Thorney Society is a Registered Charity (298235) and receives no regular funding from local government. We rely on income from memberships, donations and events to keep our Museum open and to tell people about Thorney, so why not explore the possibilities of becoming a member today and you get...
> Exclusive blog
> Exclusive online Members Area
> Quick access to historical Thorney information
> Event invitations
> Learn about potential new projects in Thorney
> Attend meetings
> Add your own ideas to our Thorney Newsletter
> Have a part in the Thorney Society fundraising events
> Suggesting new ideas for Thorney
> Make lots of new friends along the way
Annual Membership Rates
Individual: £10 p/a
Senior (60+): £5 p/a
Student: £5 p/a
Young Person (<18): FREE
Lifetime: £200 p/a

Join us now . . .
> Please click on document below ('Membership Form').
> Download this to your computer.
> Print the document and complete all the information required.
> Once completed please e-mail a copy to: OR
Post to: Alan Potts, 154 Wisbech Road, Thorney, PE6 0SE.
Ways to pay for membership or to give a donation...
Paypal -
You can now make a financial donation through our PayPal account. Simply click on the button below and choose the amount you would like to give.
Cheque / Cash -
Cheque's to be made payable to the 'Thorney Society' OR Cash payment and forwarded with your application form to: Alan Potts, 154 Wisbech Road, Thorney, PE6 0SE.
Standing Order / Faster Payment (please see Membership Form 2021 for further information) -
You are able to setup a Standing Order to make your first payment and further annual payments automatically, in addition to making a 'faster payment' via your mobile banking app/in branch.
Donating an object...
To discuss adding something to our collection, please contact the Curator via the email address below.